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CLARREO Pathfinder Meetings & Workshops

CLARREO Pathfinder Meetings & Workshops

The CLARREO Pathfinder science leadership team has coordinated several meetings and workshops. The CPF mission does not yet have a competitively selected Science Team, so until the payload is operational, CPF science leadership will continue to hold workshops to engage with the science community.  

Meeting or WorkshopDateLocation
CLARREO Pathfinder Science Workshop 2025April 15-17, 2025Hampton, VA
2021 CLARREO Pathfinder Science WorkshopNovember 2-3, 2021Virtual Workshop
2018 CPF Focus During CLARREO SDT MeetingMay 8, 2018Boulder, CO
2017 CPF Intercalibration WorkshopNovember 16, 2017Hampton, VA
2016 Intercalibration WorkshopNovember 30, 2016Hampton, VA