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2016 CPF Intercalibration Workshop – November 2016

2016 CPF Intercalibration Workshop – November 2016


  1. CLARREO Pathfinder project status
  2. Overview of the Inter-calibration requirements, objectives, and opportunities
  3. Overview of the CPF instrument – expected performance parameters
  4. Overview of the CPF inter-calibration operations concept
  5. Overview of data & algorithms flow & data system
  6. Overview of sensors inter-calibration: CERES, VIIRS, GEO sensors, Land imagers
  7. Overview of characterization/calibration of surface sites
  8. Overview of Lunar calibration from space and ground

Agenda & Presentations:

Wednesday, November 30th

CLARREO Pathfinder Intercalibration Workshop
8:30 AMWelcome, logistics, workshop objectivesCosty Lukashin
8:40 AMCPF mission requirements, objectives and statusGary Fleming
9:00 AMCPF Inter-Calibration requirements, objectives & opportunitiesCosty Lukashin
9:20 AMHySICS Balloon-Flight Performance and Expectations for CPF-HySICSGreg Kopp
9:50 AMEvents prediction, ISS orbit & attitudeJonathan Chrone/Carlos Roithmayr
10:30 AMCPF inter-calibration data flow & algorithmsCosty Lukashin
11:00 AMPolarization Distribution Models -- status and prioritiesWenbo Sun/Daniel Goldin
11:30 AMInter-calibration data management and MIICChris Currey
1:00 PMVIIRS performance, inter-calibration prioritiesJack Xiong
1:30 PMCERES performance, inter-calibration prioritiesSusan Thomas
2:00 PMGEO imagers inter-calibrations needs and prioritiesDave Doelling
2:45 PMLandsat & surface sites inter-calibration needs and prioritiesKurt Thome
3:15 PMLunar inter-calibration and measuring lunar spectral reflectance
with CPF
Tom Stone
3:45 PMSI-Traceable Top-of-Atmosphere Lunar IrradianceJoe Rice/Steve Brown/Steve Brown
4:15 PMParked items, discussionAll
4:45 PMCaptured actions, next stepsAll