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CLARREO Pathfinder Mission Timeline
Pre-Phase A

Pre-Phase A

April 2016

Official Beginning of CLARREO Pathfinder

The NASA Headquarters Earth Science Division gave approval to NASA Langley Research Center to formally begin CPF. The approval states that CPF will include a Reflected Solar Spectrometer likely to be built by the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) in Boulder, Colorado.

CPF Calibration and Measurement Approach
April 2016

April 2016

CPF Begins Concept Studies (Pre-Phase A)

During this phase, the mission investigates alternatives for initial mission concepts, architectures, potential launch vehicles, and concepts of operations. These alternatives are evaluated to determine the most feasible mission concepts that would enable mission success.

Gary Fleming presents at 2016 Mission Concept Review (MCR). Credits: NASA

August 2016

Evaluation of CPF Mission Concept

A review panel evaluates whether the mission demonstrates that it addresses critical NASA objectives and that project planning is mature enough to proceed to the next phase at the Mission Concept Review (MCR).

Phase A
January 2017

January 2017

CPF Begins Concept & Technology Development (Phase A)

After approval to proceed to Phase A, the project further advances mission and operational concepts and establishes an initial project plan. It also refines its requirements and continues to assess technology maturity and the need for additional technology development.

NASA LaRC and LASP team meet to discuss CLARREO Pathfinder’s needs for data at a 2-day Data Management Workshop held at LaRC in April 2017

April 2017

CPF Data Management Workshop

NASA LaRC and LASP teams meet to discuss CLARREO Pathfinder data requirements at a 2-day Data Management Workshop held at LaRC.

Evaluation of the CPF System Requirements and Proposed Architecture (System Requirements Review/Mission Definition Review)

July 2017

Evaluation of CPF System Requirements and Proposed Architecture

A review panel evaluates the preliminary project plan, system requirements, and proposed architecture to ensure mission requirements will be met.

Phase A
NASA Awards CPF Prime Contract to Laboratory for Atmosphere and Space Physics (LASP)
2018 – Phase A

September 2018

NASA Awards CPF Prime Contract to LASP

LASP becomes an official partner of the CPF mission and receives the contract to design, build, integrate, and operate the CPF payload, the core of which is the HyperSpectral Imager for Climate Science (HySICS) instrument.

Re-evaluation of CPF System Requirements and Proposed Architecture (delta-System Requirements Review/Mission Definition Review)

November 2018

Re-evaluation of CPF System Requirements and Proposed Architecture

A review panel evaluates advancements in mission and system requirements and architecture design after programmatic uncertainty incurs delays in the CPF lifecycle. This delta review (Delta System Requirements Review (d-SRR)) ensures any new design elements still satisfy mission requirements.

Phase B
2018 – Phase B

December 2018

CPF Begins Preliminary Design Development (Phase B)

The project further matures the mission concept, architecture, and operations plans. It also matures preliminary instrument and mission design and initiates development of engineering prototypes of key payload subsystems.

2019 Preliminary Design Review (PDR) at LASP

May 2019

Evaluation of Preliminary Mission Design

A review panel evaluates the preliminary mission design to assess its compliance with requirements at the Preliminary Design Review (PDR). This includes payload and instrument components, science data processing, and the various mission interfaces.

Phase C
3D model of the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory Pathfinder (CLARREO-PF) Credits: NASA
Phase C

July 2019

CPF Enters Final Design and Fabrication Phase

The project completes testing of engineering prototypes of key payload subsystems and develops final detailed payload and ground system designs. Following a Critical Design Review (CDR), the project initiates fabrication, characterization, and testing of the flight payload components and subsystems.

The four-mirror anastigmat telescope
Phase C

September 2019

Key Optics Received at LASP

The four-mirror anastigmat telescope is a critical component of the HySICS instrument optics.

2020 – Phase C

March 2020

Evaluation of Matured CPF Design Ability to Meet Mission Requirements

A review panel evaluates the matured payload and mission design for its ability to meet requirements and the project’s readiness to continue with payload fabrication and assembly at the Critical Design Review (CDR). Incidentally, this meeting took place just as COVID-19 restrictions were starting and was conducted in a hybrid format.

2020 – Phase C

May 2020

CPF Lab Work Continued at LASP During COVID Pandemic

Here, the LASP team celebrates a successful test of the launch locks, which prevent the pointing system from moving during launch and installation on ISS.

2020 – Phase C

July 2020

Flawless Gratings Received at LASP

The gratings, similar to the back of a CD, separate reflected light into different wavelengths with tiny grooves, invisible to the human eye. This is another critical piece of the HySICS optical system.

2020 – Phase C

August 2020

Both Flight Model Detectors Received at LASP

The reflected sunlight is directed onto the detector by mirror and grating reflections. The detector converts that sunlight into electrical signals that are processed for scientists to analyze.

2020 – Phase C

October 2020

Work Continues on Building Instrument Cradle

The instrument cradle is where the HySICS instrument and support electronics will reside.

The LASP team continues working on the structural elements of the HySICS Pointing System

February 2021

Work on the HySICS Pointing System Continues

The LASP team continues working on the pointing system. The pointing system moves the cradle to enable HySICS to take measurements of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun at different angles.

Cold target test dry runs begin on the XYZ at LASP

March 2021

Preparation for Rigorous Instrument Test Campaign

The HySICS Calibration Lead (Paul Smith) poses with the intricate HySICS instrument test setup.

Mark Griffith and Robert Andrews working with the CLARREO Pathfinder model. Credits: NASA/Dave Bowman

April 2021

Langley Prints Two CPF Full-Scale 3D Models

One 3D model remains at LaRC for outreach purposes, and the other 3D model was sent to LASP and has been used in the lab as the team maps out the location of harnesses.

Particle count measurements are taken of the Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance (GLAMR) integrating sphere in a Class 10K clean tent at GSFC.

April 2021

GLAMR Team Makes Progress on Sphere

Particle count measurements are taken of the Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance (GLAMR) integrating sphere in a Class 10K clean tent at Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in preparation for Independent Calibration.

HySICS Pointing System

April 2021

LASP Teams Assembles the HySICS Pointing System

The components that make up the HySICS Pointing System are integrated at LASP.

The Cryocooler

May 2021

The Cryocooler was Delivered to LASP

The cryocooler keeps the different parts of the instrument at their ideal operating temperatures.

Project Scientist Yolanda Shea discusses the CLARREO Pathfinder mission using the team's 3D model during NASA Earth Science Division Director Karen St. Germain's visit to NASA LaRC.

July 2021

LaRC Team Shares CPF Science Using 3D Model

Another important part of any mission is talking about the mission and its value with others. Project Scientist Yolanda Shea discusses the CLARREO Pathfinder mission using the team’s 3D model during NASA ESD Director Karen St. Germain’s visit to NASA LaRC.

PCU Undergoes Environmental Testing at LaRC

July 2021

Power Converter Unit (PCU) Undergoes Environmental Testing at LaRC

The PCU serves as the power interface between CPF and the ISS, ensuring that the right level of power is delivered to the rest of the CPF payload. Built and tested at Langley Research Center, the PCU is subjected to vibration and thermal conditions that mimic the environments during launch and operations.

Stephen Bowen with the CLARREO-PF PCU before it's shipped to LASP. Photo Credit: NASA/Dave Bowman

September 2021

PCU Shipped from LaRC to LASP

PCU assembly and testing is complete and ready to be shipped to LASP. The PCU is ready to be integrated with the rest of CPF.

The HySICS Pointing System is moved onto the baseplate at LASP

December 2021

HySICS Pointing System (HPS) is Moved onto the Baseplate at LASP

After extensive testing to ensure the HySICS Pointing System can operate as designed, the pointing system is carefully positioned onto the baseplate to prepare for the next collection of HPS tests.

January 2022 Contamination Door Fully Assembled and Tested

January 2022

Contamination Door Fully Assembled and Tested

The contamination door protects the instrument from debris and keeps HySICS optics clean during launch. The contamination door will be opened after the payload is installed on ISS and before science operations begins.

January 2022 Launch Deployment Locks test

January 2022

Launch Locks Deployment Test

Launch locks keep the HySICS Pointing System secure during launch to ISS. The launch locks will deploy after installation on ISS and will enable CPF to point at the Sun, Moon, and intercalibration science targets.

HySICS Pointing System Controller (HPSC) Completes Thermal Vacuum Testing

February 2022

HySICS Pointing System Controller (HPSC) Completes Thermal Vacuum Testing

The HPSC is subjected to thermal and vacuum conditions that mimic the environments during launch and operations.

Yolanda Shea & Gary Fleming share the importance of CLARREO Pathfinder with Bill Nelson, NASA Administrator, and members of Congress during their visit to NASA Langley. (Photo credit: NASA/David C. Bowman)

March 2022

NASA Administrator Visits with CLARREO Pathfinder Team

Project Scientist Yolanda Shea delivers an overview of the CPF mission to NASA Administrator Bill Nelson.

Phase C
Thermal Blanket Fit Check
Phase C

April 2022

Thermal Blanket Fit Check

Thermal Blankets (in white) cover the baseplate of the payload to provide constant temperature control of the sensitive instruments.


June 2022

Cryocooler Integrated with HySICS

The cryocooler keeps the detector at very low temperatures to optimize performance. First cooldown and demonstration of thermal control is completed with the cryocooler.

HPS Vibration Testing is completed at Ball Aerospace, only a few miles from LASP. Even when just moving HPS down the road, precautions are taken to make sure the flight hardware is moved safely and securely.

July 2022

HySICS Pointing System Completes Vibration Testing

HPS Vibration Testing is completed at Ball Aerospace, only a few miles from LASP. Even when just moving HPS down the road, precautions are taken to make sure the flight hardware is moved safely and securely.

The Independent Calibration Team ships the GLAMR system to LASP and sets up the system in preparation for independent calibration testing.

July 2022


The Independent Calibration Team ships the GLAMR system to LASP and sets up the system in preparation for independent calibration testing.

HySICS Contamination Door Installed
2022 Phase C

August 2022

HySICS Contamination Door Installed

After a successful test of opening the door in January 2022, the contamination door is installed onto the HySICS instrument enclosure.

HySICS Detector Installed and Fastened in Place

September 2022

HySICS Detector Installed and Fastened in Place

After extensive testing of the appropriate position and alignment of the detector, the team celebrates a significant milestone: permanently fastening the detector within the instrument!

Completed Optical Cold Bench Cooling Test with New Equipment

October 2022

Completed Optical Cold Bench Cooling Test with New Equipment

The HySICS team overcomes the challenge of how to get the optical cold bench cold enough for a critical test by brainstorming and implementing a creative solution with new lab equipment. As a result, the test is completed successfully!

DTU Personnel Visit LASP to Upgrade Star Tracker

December 2022

DTU Personnel Visit LASP to Upgrade Star Tracker

Developing spaceflight hardware often involves collaborations from around the globe. LASP hosts personnel from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) so they could make needed updates to the Star Tracker they provided for the CPF payload.

GLAMR Team Prepares for Independent Calibration

March 2023

GLAMR Team Prepares for Independent Calibration

The GLAMR team works on the complex set up needed to conduct the independent calibration test, which will provide an alternative radiometric calibration of the CPF instrument.

Completed Instrument Characterization

July 2023

Completed Instrument Characterization

Over the previous year, the HySICS team at LASP completed an extensive series of instrument characterization tests. These tests provide confidence that the instrument will perform as expected in achieving its unprecedented accuracy once it’s in space.

Complete HySICS (instrument) Vibration Testing

August 2023

Complete HySICS (instrument) Vibration Testing

The HySICS instrument completes vibration testing at National Testing Systems (NTS) Santa Clarita. Vibration testing supports confidence that the CPF instrument will survive launch and function as expected once on-orbit.

Completed HySICS Instrument Thermal Vacuum Chamber (TVAC) Testing

September 2023

Completed HySICS Instrument Thermal Vacuum Chamber (TVAC) Testing

Operating in space is no small feat! HySICS TVAC testing provides confidence about how the instrument’s components will handle operation in space.

Completed Independent Calibration

September 2023

Completed Independent Calibration

The GLAMR team, along with the LASP and Independent Calibration teams, completes 10 days of independent calibration testing of HySICS.

Phase D
Payload Integration is Completed
2023 Phase D

December 2023

Payload Integration is Completed

The CLARREO Pathfinder (CPF) payload has been integrated! All the pieces of CPF are now together, including the pointing system and heart of CPF, the Hyperspectral Imager for Climate Science (HySICS) instrument, which takes high-accuracy measurements of reflected sunlight. Coming up next are tests to demonstrate that the payload can withstand launch conditions and operate in the space environment while on the International Space Station.

CLARREO Pathfinder Conducts a Successful Delta Pre-Environmental Review (PER)
2024 Phase D

March 2024

CLARREO Pathfinder Conducts a Successful Delta Pre-Environmental Review (PER)

The CPF project conducted a successful payload-level Delta Pre-Environmental Review (PER). The payload is now ready to be shipped for environmental testing.

CLARREO Pathfinder Conducts a Successful Delta Pre-Environmental Review (PER)
2024 Phase D

April 2024

CPF Payload Delivered to Element for Testing

The payload is packed up and safely delivered to Element where it will undergo Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) testing. This is a series of tests that will assess the payload’s electromagnetic emissions that it gives off and how it will respond when exposed to electromagnetic inputs from a space-like environment.

CLARREO Pathfinder Conducts a Successful Delta Pre-Environmental Review (PER)
2024 Phase D

May 2024

LASP Ships the Payload to Experior Laboratories for Vibe Testing

The CLARREO Pathfinder (CPF) team at Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) in Colorado is packing up and shipping out the CLARREO Pathfinder Reflected Solar (CPRS) payload to Experior Laboratories in Oxnard, California. There, the payload will undergo vibration testing to prove it can withstand launch conditions and operate in the unique space environment.

CPF TVAC Testing and Integration on ExPA Complete!
2024 Phase D

September 2024

CPF TVAC Testing and Integration on ExPA Complete!

The payload-level thermal vacuum (TVAC) testing has been successfully completed, marking a significant milestone for the CLARREO Pathfinder (CPF) project. Successful TVAC testing gives the CPF team confidence that the payload can operate in space environment conditions while on the International Space Station (ISS). After removal from the TVAC chamber, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) team in Boulder, CO completed integration of the CPF payload, including the Langley-built Power Converter Unit (PCU) and all flight harnessing, with the ExPRESS Payload Adapter (ExPA). The ExPA is the interface mechanism used to attach the CPF payload to the ISS. Following integration, a variety of payload performance tests will be conducted in preparation for payload storage. Photo credit: LASP.

CPF Integration and Test Complete.
2024 Phase D

October 2024

CPF Integration and Test Complete!

The CLARREO Pathfinder Payload Integration and Testing (I&T) is complete! Marking another significant milestone for the project, the fully-integrated payload has successfully undergone all post-environmental and pre-storage functional and performance testing at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) in Boulder, CO. The CPF payload is now prepared for storage at LASP, where it will wait for a future ride to the International Space Station. Photo credit: LASP