Media Gallery
Mission Images
- Congratulations to CPF Deputy Project Scientist Dr. Rajendra Bhatt, Science Directorate Selection for the 2025 NASA Leadership for Excellence, Advancement, and Diversity in the Sciences (LEADS) program!
- CLARREO Pathfinder Project Scientist Yolanda Shea is honored with the American Meteorological Society (AMS) 2025 Scientific and Technological Activities Commission (STAC) Distinguished Scientific/Technological Accomplishment Award! Congratulations, Dr. Shea!
- Members of the CLARREO Pathfinder Team peruse the science posters at the poster session at the AGU Fall Annual Meeting in December 2024.
- Dr. Yolanda Shea delivers a presentation titled "What's Next? Considerations for a Space-based Climate Observing System" at the Fall AGU Annual Meeting in December 2024.
- CPF Deputy Project Scientist Raj Bhatt delivers a presentation at the Fall AGU Annual Meeting in December 2024.
- Dr. Qiguang Yang discusses his science results at the poster session with colleagues at the Fall AGU Annual Meeting in December 2024.
- Dr. Qiguang Yang discusses his science results at the poster session with colleagues at the Fall AGU Annual Meeting in December 2024.
- The CPF Team poses for a photo at LASP during the PStoR Review in Nov. 2024. Photo credit: LASP
- NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration's Integration and Testing for the CLARREO Pathfinder Payload is complete! 🎉 Now, CLARREO Pathfinder will go into storage at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics in Boulder, CO, where it will wait for a future ride to the International International Space Station. Photo credit: LASP
- NASA presented its prestigious Group Achievement Award to the CLARREO Pathfinder (CPF) HySICS Characterization and Test Team in a ceremony held at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado Boulder on Sept. 17. The award recognized the team’s groundbreaking efforts in developing and testing the Hyperspectral Imager for Climate Science (HySICS)—an instrument that will provide highly accurate measurements of reflected solar radiation, which is critical to understanding Earth’s changing climate.
- Members of the CPF team accept Group Achievement Awards for the Power Converter Team and the HySICS Characterization and Test Team, as well as an Exceptional Achievement Medal (Dr. Yolanda Shea) and an Outstanding Leadership Medal (Gary Fleming). Congratulations, Team! Photo Credit: NASA LaRC
- CPF Lead Systems Engineer Brian Boland receives a 35-year Service Award in recognition and appreciation of his service to NASA and to the government of the United States of America. Thank you and congratulations, Brian! Photo credit: NASA LaRC
- CPF testing and integration on the ExPA is complete! As of September 2024, the payload-level thermal vacuum (TVAC) testing has been successfully completed, marking a significant milestone for the CLARREO Pathfinder (CPF) project. Successful TVAC testing gives the CPF team confidence that the payload can operate in space environment conditions while on the International Space Station (ISS). After removal from the TVAC chamber, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) team in Boulder, CO completed integration of the CPF payload, including the Langley-built Power Converter Unit (PCU) and all flight harnessing, with the ExPRESS Payload Adapter (ExPA). The ExPA is the interface mechanism used to attach the CPF payload to the ISS. Following integration, a variety of payload performance tests will be conducted in preparation for payload storage. Photo credit: LASP
- The CLARREO Pathfinder (CPF) payload has been integrated! As of March 2024, all the pieces of CPF are now together, including the pointing system and heart of CPF, the Hyperspectral Imager for Climate Science (HySICS) instrument. Photo credit: LASP
- The CLARREO Pathfinder (CPF) payload has been integrated! As of March 2024, all the pieces of CPF are now together, including the pointing system and heart of CPF, the Hyperspectral Imager for Climate Science (HySICS) instrument. Photo credit: LASP
- The CLARREO Pathfinder (CPF) payload has been integrated! As of March 2024, all the pieces of CPF are now together, including the pointing system and heart of CPF, the Hyperspectral Imager for Climate Science (HySICS) instrument. Photo credit: LASP
- LaRC Project Manager Gary Fleming discusses project updates at the Pre-Environmental Review (PER) at LASP on Dec. 13th, 2023.
- LaRC Risk Manager Stephanie Harrison discusses project risks at the Pre-Environmental Review (PER) at LASP on Dec. 13th, 2023.
- LASP Project Manager Greg Ucker discusses project updates at the Pre-Environmental Review (PER) at LASP on Dec. 13th, 2023.
- NASA LaRC hosted over 40,000 members of the public during the LaRC Open House on October 21. Members of the CLARREO Pathfinder team were very proud to staff a CLARREO Pathfinder exhibit table and show a full-scale model of the payload to educate interested members of the public about the mission.
- NASA LaRC hosted over 40,000 members of the public during the LaRC Open House on October 21. Members of the CLARREO Pathfinder team were very proud to staff a CLARREO Pathfinder exhibit table and show a full-scale model of the payload to educate interested members of the public about the mission.
- NASA LaRC hosted over 40,000 members of the public during the LaRC Open House on October 21. Members of the CLARREO Pathfinder team were very proud to staff a CLARREO Pathfinder exhibit table and show a full-scale model of the payload to educate interested members of the public about the mission.
- Vibe check! NASA's CLARREO Pathfinder will detect subtle changes in the Earth's climate using instruments like the HySICS spectrometer, which recently completed characterization & environmental testing, including vibration tests.
- Yolanda Shea, CLARREO Pathfinder Project Scientist, gave an overview of the CPF instrument and science, and discussed societal benefits of the future mission, to the 2023 class of NASA astronaut candidates. Credits: NASA
- Yolanda Shea, CLARREO Pathfinder Project Scientist, gave an overview of the CPF instrument and science, and discussed societal benefits of the future mission, to the 2023 class of NASA astronaut candidates. Credits: NASA
- Gary Fleming represents CLARREO Pathfinder during the Project Manager Panel at NASA Langley's First Project Management Awareness Day. Credits: NASA
- Gary Fleming represents CLARREO Pathfinder at NASA Langley's First Project Management Awareness Day. Credits: NASA
- Gary Fleming represents CLARREO Pathfinder during the Project Manager Panel at NASA Langley's First Project Management Awareness Day. Credits: NASA
- The Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance (GLAMR) team along with the LASP team and Independent Calibration team completed 10 days of independent calibration testing of HySICS on September 29. One of the highlights of the testing was that the GLAMR team achieved a record number of wavelengths tuned during a two-shift day as part of the effort.
- The Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance (GLAMR) team along with the LASP team and Independent Calibration team completed 10 days of independent calibration testing of HySICS on September 29. One of the highlights of the testing was that the GLAMR team achieved a record number of wavelengths tuned during a two-shift day as part of the effort.
- The Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance (GLAMR) and Independent Calibration teams celebrated together for successfully completing 10 days of independent calibration testing of HySICS!
- The payload has been mounted, the launch locks engaged, and the Melinex tent and workhorse blankets installed in preparation of shipment to Electro-Mechanical Industries (EMI). Photo credit: LASP
- Dr. Yolanda Shea shares her story of her career path to Earth science research at NASA in her Behind the Science interview available here:
- Project Manager Gary Fleming is recognized for his role as a mentor at the LaRC MERGE Mentor Awards. He received three separate nominations for this award! Congratulations, Gary!
- Yolanda Shea (CPF Project Scientist) delivers hyperwall talk at the NASA Exhibit Booth at the Dec. 2022 AGU Meeting in Chicago. Photo credit: Amber Dooley
- CPF Outreach Lead Amber Dooley shares updates about the CLARREO Pathfinder mission and its science with attendees at the AGU Fall Meeting in Chicago in Dec. 2022. Photo credit: Mike Taylor
- The LASP team continues to make progress on assembling the HySICS Pointing System (HPS) onto the baseplate. Photo credit: LASP
- LASP team members work on the HySICS (Hyperspectral Imager for Climate Science) instrument during the alignment of the spectrometer optical elements. Photo credit: LASP
- A view of the HySICS Pointing System, or HPS. This is massive! There is the "cradle" about which the instrument rotates about one of its axes and the whole cradle can rotate about its azimuth. The two axes allow the instrument to point at the Sun, Moon, and match view angles with other sensors. The large size is illustrative of the exquisite control required to keep the instrument steady and pointing precisely on the ISS. Photo credit: LASP
- Yolanda Shea & Gary Fleming share the importance of CLARREO Pathfinder with Bill Nelson, NASA Administrator, and members of Congress during their visit to NASA Langley. (Photo credit: NASA/David C. Bowman)
- Xu Liu receives NASA Agency Honor Award for Exceptional Scientific Achievement.
- Congratulations to CLARREO Pathfinder’s Associate Project Manager, Stephanie Harrison, on receiving the NASA Guiding Star Mentor Award for her exceptional mentorship, fostering inspiration, and dedication to the future diverse generation of NASA’s talent. Stephanie has been a mentor to our NASA Pathways Intern, Kaitlyn Bebb for the past 2 years. Images of the 2022 MERGE (Mentoring Employees to Realize Goals and Experiences) Mentoring Awards held in the Reid Auditorium. Photo credit: NASA LaRC, Mark Knopp
- Congratulations to Raj Bhatt on receiving the Journal of Applied Science Remote Sensing 2022 Best Paper Award for Theoretical Innovation!
- Stephen Bowen with the CLARREO-PF PCU before it's shipped to LASP. Photo Credit: NASA/Dave Bowman
- Stephen Bowen, Robert Walker, Juan Mosquera, David McLain, Kenny Elliott are involved with the testing for the CLARREO PF PCU. Credits: NASA/Dave Bowman
- Stephen Bowen, Robert Walker, Juan Mosquera, David McLain, Kenny Elliott are involved with the testing for the CLARREO PF PCU. Credits: NASA/Dave Bowman
- Stephen Bowen, Robert Walker, Juan Mosquera, David McLain, Kenny Elliott are involved with the testing for the CLARREO PF PCU. Photo Credit: NASA/Dave Bowman
- Stephen Bowen, Robert Walker, Juan Mosquera, David McLain, Kenny Elliott are involved with the testing for the CLARREO PF PCU. Credits: NASA/Dave Bowman
- Gary Fleming discusses the CLARREO Pathfinder mission using the team's 3D model during NASA Earth Science Division Director Karen St. Germain's visit to NASA LaRC. Credits: NASA
- Yolanda Shea discusses the CLARREO Pathfinder mission using the team's 3D model during NASA Earth Science Division Director Karen St. Germain's visit to NASA LaRC. Credits: NASA
- Mark Griffith and Robert Andrews working with the CLARREO Pathfinder model in April 2021. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- Mark Griffith and Robert Andrews working with the CLARREO Pathfinder model in April 2021. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- Mark Griffith and Robert Andrews working with the CLARREO Pathfinder model in April 2021. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- Assisted by Nancy Holloway, Gary Fleming recognized those who worked on the CLARREO Pathfinder 3D model. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- The CLARREO Pathfinder (CPF) team virtually hosted an open science workshop on November 2-3, 2021. Over 60 attendees participated in the workshop each day, learning about the mission and exchanging ideas about how CPF measurements can best support the climate science community. (Photo credit: NASA/Yolanda Shea).
- Celebrating CLARREO Pathfinder engineer Stephen Bowen who graduated with a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree from the University of Colorado Boulder!
- Former CPF Program Executive Dr. Tahani Amer recently delivered a STEM talk to students at the U.S. Embassy in Egypt where she shared about NASA Earth Science missions including CLARREO PF.
- CPF Deputy Project Manager Nalin Ratnayake received a NASA Special Act Award for his extraordinary leadership as a Contracting Officer's Representative on a NIA contract and Cooperative Agreement. He successfully led an effort to bring software-related work packages into full compliance. The CPF team is lucky to have an award winning COR on our team!
- Members of the GSFC GLAMR team (Julia Barsi and Joel McCorkel pictured here) attended the successful launch of Landsat-9 on September 27, 2021. The GLAMR facility was used to characterize the Landsat-9 OLI-2 spectral response and will be used to verify the calibration model of the CLARREO Pathfinder HySICS instrument. Launch photo credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls
- Congratulations to Bruce Wielicki on receiving the AMS Warren Washington Research and Leadership Medal!
- Back view of the CLARREO Pathfinder model. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- Top view of the CLARREO Pathfinder model. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- Side view of the CLARREO Pathfinder model. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- Side view of the CLARREO Pathfinder model. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- Front left view of the CLARREO Pathfinder model. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- Front right view of the CLARREO Pathfinder model. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- Front view of the CLARREO Pathfinder model. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- Back left view of the CLARREO Pathfinder model. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- Back right view of the CLARREO Pathfinder model. Credits: NASA/David C. Bowman
- The CLARREO Pathfinder team celebrates completing & shipping the Power Converter Unit (PCU) to partner LASP. The PCU serves as the power interface between CLARREO Pathfinder and the ISS, ensuring that the right level of power is delivered to the rest of the CLARREO Pathfinder payload. (Photo credit: NASA/Mark Knopp).
- CLARREO Pathfinder (CPF) Team member Stephanie Harrison receives a certificate of appreciation for her work on the Power Converter Unit (PCU). (Photo credit: NASA/Mark Knopp).
- CLARREO Pathfinder Critical Design Review (CDR)
- CLARREO Pathfinder Critical Design Review (CDR)
- CLARREO Pathfinder Critical Design Review (CDR)
- CLARREO Pathfinder Critical Design Review (CDR)
- CLARREO Pathfinder Critical Design Review (CDR)
- 3D model of the Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory Pathfinder (CLARREO-PF) Credits: NASA
- 2019 Preliminary Design Review (PDR) at LASP
- Tim Holden presents at 2019 Preliminary Design Review (PDR) at LASP
- Gary Fleming presents at 2019 Preliminary Design Review (PDR) at LASP
- Yolanda Shea shares benefits of mission to community stakeholders (April 2019). Credits: NASA
- Mission overview to community stakeholders (April 2019). Credits: NASA
- Gary Fleming shares benefits of mission to community stakeholders (April 2019). Credits: NASA
- Mission overview to community stakeholders (April 2019). Credits: NASA
- 2018 Standing Board Review Delta System Requirements Review. Credits: NASA
- 2018 Standing Board Review Delta System Requirements Review. Credits: NASA
- 2018 Standing Board Review Delta System Requirements Review. Credits: NASA
- 2018 Standing Board Review Delta System Requirements Review. Credits: NASA
- 2018 Standing Board Review Delta System Requirements Review. Credits: NASA
- 2018 Delta System Requirements Review (d-SRR). Credits: NASA
- Data Management Workshop (2017)
- Data Management Workshop (2017)
- Data Management Workshop (2017)
- Data Management Workshop (2017)
- Data Management Workshop (2017)
- Data Management Workshop (2017)
- 2017 SRR/MDR. Credits: NASA
- 2017 SRR/MDR. Credits: NASA
- 2016 Mission Concept Review (MCR). Credits: NASA
- Gary Fleming presents at 2016 Mission Concept Review (MCR). Credits: NASA
- 2016 Mission Concept Review (MCR). Credits: NASA
- Gary Fleming presents at 2016 Mission Concept Review (MCR). Credits: NASA
- 2016 Mission Concept Review (MCR). Credits: NASA
- 2016 Mission Concept Review (MCR).Credits: NASA